Bill of Quantity Template Excel Free Download
The Contractor (Bidder) is aware that prices and its breakdown take into account all the work necessary for the proper execution of the work subject that are obvious and / or which may be appropriately qualified and competent contractor shall predict. All utility work and incidental expenses, unless specifically provided, shall be included in the cost of the work.
These rates include labor cost, manpower, materials, machinery equipment, the cost of organization and management work, temporary works, as well as any incidental costs necessary for the proper execution of work and a reasonable profit.
A bill of quantities (BOQ) is a document used in tendering in the construction industry/supplies in which materials, parts, and labor (and their costs) are itemized. It also (ideally) details the terms and conditions of the construction or repair contract and itemizes all work to enable a contractor to price the work for which he or she is bidding.
The quantities may be measured in number, length, area, volume, weight or time. Preparing a bill of quantities requires that the design is complete and a specification has been prepared. The bill of quantities is issued to tenderers for them to prepare a price for carrying out the works.
The bill of quantities assists tenderers in the calculation of construction costs for their tender, and, as it means all tendering contractors will be pricing the same quantities (rather than taking-off quantities from the drawings and specifications themselves), it also provides a fair and accurate system for tendering.
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